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- How to
- Build a SILVER BOX
- =======================================
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Ingreadients:
- 1 Blue wire about 1 foot.
- 1 Gray wire about 1 foot.
- 1 Brown wire about 1 foot.
- (Better to overkill....)
- 1 Single pole/Double throw
- (SPDT) switch. (Smallest
- you can find.)
- 1 Standard bell phone.
- Tools:
- 1 Soldering Iron and Solder.
- 1 flat-tip screwdriver.
- 1 Very patcient person.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- 1: Take the casing off your phone by
- loosening the two screws
- underneath it. (Don't take the
- screws all the way off!)
- 2: Loosen (But don't remove) the
- screws on the side of the touch-
- tone keypad. (The ones that attach
- it to the mounting bracket.) and
- CAREFULLY remove the keypad from
- the mounting bracket.
- 3: You will notice a plastic cover on
- the keypad; seperate the two
- halves and get the out of your
- way. (Don't destroy them, you will
- need them later.)
- 4: Now, look at the top of the pad
- (so the 123 row is facing away,
- and the *0# row is toward you.
- Turn over the keypad. You should
- see a mass of wires, gold plated
- contacts, discrete components, and
- two large doughnut shaped black
- thingies. (These are the coils hat
- make the touch-tone frequencies.
- All you are going to do is connect
- the wires that Ma Bell "Forgot"
- to.)
- 5: Look at the coil on the left (with
- 5 solder contacts facing you,
- rather than being perpendicular to
- you.) Count over 4 contacts FROM
- the left (or 2 conacts FROM the
- right) and solder the GRAY wire to
- the fourth post FROM the left.
- 6: Solder the other end of the GRAY
- wire to the LEFT pole of the SPDT
- switch.
- 7: (The point of no return)..........
- Take a look at the bottom edge of
- the keypad. You should see a row
- of three gold plated contacts (to
- the right of two very large
- capasitors) look at the one on the
- left and GENTELY seperate the two
- touching connectors (They are
- soldered together with a drop of
- solder) and spread them apart.
- 8: Solder the brown wire to the top
- contact (The one futhest from
- you), and solder it to the RIGHT
- pole of SPDT switch.
- 9: Now, take the blue wire and solder
- it to the bottom (Closest)
- contact. Solder the other end of
- this wire to the CENTER pole of
- SPDT switch.
- ***************************************
- ***************************************
- 10: Now put you phone back together.
- (To make it look professonal, make
- a hole in the plastic top of your
- phone and stick the SPDT switch
- through it.
- Now, (Hopefully) when the switch is
- in on position you will have a normal
- phone and when it is in the other
- position the 3, 6, 9, and # keys (Which
- are now the A, B, C, and D keys) will
- magically produce the SILVER BOX TONES!
- Have Phun and Happy Phreaking,
- Agrajag
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Brought to you by:
- -=%> The Hitchhikers <%=-
- Bring your towel
- ---------------------------------------
- ===================================
- -----------------------------------
- First off, a silver box adds the
- four extra tones to your phone that
- Ma Bell never told you about. They go
- like this:
- 1 2 3 A
- 4 5 6 B
- 7 8 9 C
- * 0 # D
- There used to be many places were
- you could use SILVER BOX tones, but
- now you can only use it in places were
- Ma Bell hasn't gotten around to
- replacing here old switchboxes,
- (4A), or on Autovan.
- Autovan is a special military phone
- line, like a mass of private lines
- hooked together (I think, but I'm not
- sure).
- To see if a specific area has the
- old 4A switchboxes try this test:
- Call up there directory assistance by
- using XXX-555-1212, (Where XXX is
- the area code you are check out. Now
- hold down the "D" key as soon as you
- finish dialing. (If you are using the
- SILVER BOX that I showed you how to
- make; Switch to SILVER BOX tones
- and hold down the "#" key.) The phone
- should start ringing and the operator
- will answer.
- If the operator screams at you to
- stop pressing your keypad, then hang
- up and try a diffrent areacode. (This
- one does not work.)
- If you get a pulsing tone the you got
- a good line! Now try out different
- numbers. 6 and 7 usually form a loop
- line and two people with SILVER
- BOXES can talk. But some of these
- are whatched, so DON'T say anything
- you wouldn't want your mother to
- hear!
- I have heard the 213 works but is
- being watched. Try out of the way
- states like Iowa, Monatana, Wyoming,
- ect...
- Have Phun,
- Agrajag
- -----------------------------------
- Brought to you by:
- Agrajag and
- -=%> The Hitchhikers <%=-
- ===================================
- ***************************************
- * *
- * How to build a BLACK BOX *
- * *
- ***************************************
- To all who dare --
- is a device that is hooked up to your
- fone that fixes your fone so that when
- you get a call, the caller doesn't get
- charged for the call. This is good for
- calls up to 1/2 hour, after 1/2 hour
- the Fone Co. gets suspicious, and then
- you can guess what happens.
- The way it works:
- What this little beauty does is
- keep the line voltage from dropping to
- 10v when you answer your fone. The
- line is insted kept at 36v and it will
- make the fone think that it is still
- ringing while your talking. The reason
- for the 1/2 hour time limit is that the
- Fone CO. thinks that something is wrong
- after 1/2 an hour of ringing.
- All parts are available Radio
- Shack. Using the least possible parts
- and arangement, the cost is $0.98 !!!!
- And that is parts for two of them!
- Talk about a deal! If you want to
- splurge then you can get a small PC
- board, and a switch. There are two
- schematics for this box, one is for
- most normal fones. The second one is
- for fones that don't work with the
- first. It was made for use with a Bell
- Trimline touch tone fone.
- ** Schematic 1 for most fones **
- ** LED ON: BOX ON **
- FROM >--------------------GREEN-> TO
- LINE >--! 1.8k LED !---RED--> FONE
- !--/\/\/\--!>--!
- ! !
- ------>/<-------
- Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor
- 1 1.5v LED
- 1 SPST switch
- You may just have two wires which you
- connect together for the switch.
- ** Schematic 2 for all fones **
- ** LED ON: BOX OFF **
- FROM >---------------GREEN-> TO
- LINE >------- ---RED--> FONE
- ! LED !
- -->/<--!>--
- ! !
- ---/\/\/---
- 1.8k
- Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor
- 1 1.5v LED
- 1 DPST switch
- Here is the PC board layout that I
- recommend using. It is neat and is
- very easy to hook up.
- Schematic #1 Schematic #2
- ************** ****************
- * * * ------- *
- * --<LED>--- * * ! ! *
- * ! ! * * ! <SWITCH> *
- * RESISTOR ! * * ! ! ! *
- * ! ! * * ! ! / *
- * -------- ! * * ! ! \ *
- * ! ! * * ! <LED>! / *
- * --SWITCH-- * * ! ! \ *
- * ! ! * * ! ! / *
- L * ! ! * F L * ! ! ! * F
- N>-----GREEN---->N N>-----GREEN------>N
- E * h * E E * * E
- ************** ****************
- Once you have hooked up all the
- parts, you must figure out what set of
- wires go to the line and which go to
- the fone. This is because of the fact
- that LED's must be put in, in a certain
- direction. Depending on which way you
- put the LED is what controls what wires
- are for the line & fone.
- How to find out:
- Hook up the box in one direction
- using one set of wires for line and the
- other for fone.
- *NOTE* For Model I switch should be OFF.
- *NOTE* For Model ][ switch should be
- set to side connecting the led.
- Once you have hooked it up, then
- pick up the fone and see if the LED is
- on. If it is, the LED will be lit. If
- is doesn't light then switch the wires
- and try again. Once you know which are
- which then label them. *NOTE* - If
- neither directions worked then your
- switch was in the wrong position. Now
- lable the switch in its current
- position as BOX ON.
- How to use it:
- The purpose of this box is not to
- poeple who call you so it would make
- sence that it can only be used to
- receive! calls. When the box is *ON*
- then you may only recieve calls. Your
- fone will ring like normal and the LED
- on the box will flash. If you answer
- the fone now, then the LED will
- light and the caller will not be charged.
- Hang up the fone after you are done
- talking like normal. You will not be
- able to get a dial-tone or call when
- the box is on, so turn the box *OFF*
- for normal calls. I don't recommend
- that you leave it on all the time, as
- you don't want it to answer when Ma
- Bell calls!
- from Plover-Net
- (xxx) xxx-xxxx